Surgical Procedures for Breast Cancer

Breast cancer seems to follow after skin cancer as one of the most diagnosed cancers, especially among women. The exact cause of the condition remains unknown, but Huntsville breast cancer surgery certainly gives you a chance at eliminating cancer and reducing its spread. Breast surgery comes in different forms, and while it may seem overwhelming, they give you a chance at a cancer-free life. You can choose one treatment option that suits your needs and offers comfort.

What should you know about Breast Cancer?

Breast cancer develops from the breast cells and happens mostly in women than men. Cancer creates a tumor and can grow to the other parts of your breast and body if left unnoticed and untreated. The exact cause of breast remains unknown, but some factors put you at a higher risk of breast cancer. The factors may include age, sex, a family history of breast cancer, lifestyle habits like smoking and alcohol consumption, and hormone replacement therapy. Breast cancer has four stages, with stage I being the least and stage IV having a larger spread to your body.

What are the Symptoms of Breast Cancer?

Your symptoms may be different from the next person, but possible signs may consist of changes in breast size and shape. You may develop a mass around your breast that was not there initially. The skin on your breast may feel different and have redness on the nipple. You may also have a discharge from your nipple.

What is Breast Cancer Surgery?

Your doctor can use surgical treatment options to treat breast cancer. Your options may include the following.


Your doctor may suggest removing the tumor and a small amount of healthy tissue to eliminate breast cancer. Lumpectomy works for small tumors. Therefore you can undergo chemotherapy to shrink the tumor before scheduling a lumpectomy.


Mastectomy removes the entire breast tissue, including ducts, tissue, skin, and nipple. You can choose to have a nipple-sparing mastectomy to keep your nipples and areola. Breast reconstruction procedures are also available after you have undergone mastectomy.

Sentinel Node Biopsy

Your doctor can inject a dye to identify which lymph node would be the first to receive cancer. The lymph node can prove to be free from cancer, and your doctor will not need to remove the other lymph nodes. However, your doctor must remove other lymph nodes if the lymph node shows cancer. Sentinel node biopsy prevents unnecessary removal of cancer-free lymph nodes.

Removal of both Breasts

You may have cancer in one breast but choose to have your doctor remove all breasts, including the healthy breast. A strong family history of breast cancer may be the reason for choosing this procedure. However, you are less likely to develop breast cancer in the other breast if you have one breast with cancer.

Find out more about breast cancer surgery at Ray Sheppard, MD, General Surgery. The facility has a resourceful team to help you settle on a suitable surgical procedure. You will get guidance throughout the procedure, and you can ask any questions concerning your condition and treatment. Request an appointment online to get your slot today.

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