When Should You Seek Treatment For Varicose Veins?

Varicose veins are a common condition that arises when the valves in the veins used to return blood from the legs to the heart malfunction. These veins can become enlarged and twisted and typically look ugly and bloated. They may turn people off because of their appearance, but they rarely cause significant health issues or complications. Treating varicose veins usually involves no surgery, and there are many ways to reduce their appearance. The key to varicose veins treatment is knowing when to see a Brooksville, FL cardiologist. Here are some signs that it is time to seek treatment for varicose veins.

They Cause Pain

The most common symptom caused by varicose veins is a pain in the legs when walking or standing for long periods. The constant pull on these veins’ walls causes pain, becoming incredibly bothersome. Walking alleviates this discomfort temporarily, but it often comes back after prolonged periods of rest. This discomfort is usually the primary reason why people seek varicose veins treatment.

They Start Bleeding

Varicose veins are often filled with blood, but there is usually no risk of blood coming out. When varicose veins do start bleeding, though, it can be a severe issue that needs immediate attention from your cardiologist. This condition is called Phlebitis. It causes ulceration on the vein wall and leakage of blood. If this blood goes down to the heart level, it can cause a severe infection.

They Look Ugly

Varicose veins may not pose any immediate health risks, but they make you look old and unhealthy. This is especially true if you have to wear stockings or bandages to hide them. Women who have varicose veins are often embarrassed by how they look, and even some men may feel the same way.

You Develop Dark Patches on the Skin

A rather odd symptom caused by varicose veins is the development of dark patches on the skin. These are usually flat spots that do not hurt or itch, but they can become irritated if you wear tight shoes or pants. They can also cause changes in skin color.

They Stop Blood Flow to the Extremities

The veins that go back up to your heart are called ‘superior’ veins. The ones below the knee are called ‘inferior’ veins. Varicose veins occur when valves in these inferior veins fail, allowing blood to go backward instead of returning with each heartbeat. When this happens, the surrounding areas can sometimes receive too little blood. This is called ‘ischemia,’ and it tends to cause numbness, tingling, or some other type of discomfort in your legs.

They Do Not Go Away After Pregnancy

Once varicose veins appear, they tend to stay for the rest of your life. They do not go away after pregnancy or when you lose weight. If you have had children and still have varicose veins, likely, you will always have them. This can be upsetting if you try to get rid of them to look attractive.

In summary, varicose veins do not pose any health risks, but they can cause a lot of discomforts and make you look pretty unattractive. You may need to seek treatment if jogging or walking becomes uncomfortable, your legs feel numb or tingle or you develop dark patches on the skin.

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