What Makes Geriatric Health Care Important?

Geriatric health care is one of the most critical areas of medicine. It’s not just about retirement homes, assisted living facilities, and nursing homes. It’s about how to stay healthy as you age. For many people over 65, it’s also about learning how to live with chronic illness or disability that may never go away. In Chamblee, GA, some centers offer comprehensive senior health care to older adults. They aim to improve the quality of life by managing chronic and age-related health problems. Target the finest experts in geriatric in Chamblee, Georgia.

Prevention of Chronic Diseases

Chronic diseases are the number one killer of Americans. More than two-thirds of all deaths in this country are from chronic diseases, such as heart disease, stroke, cancer, and diabetes. Many of these diseases can be prevented or their effects minimized if they’re caught and treated early.

It’s vital to get screened for diseases as you age. For example, older adults tend to have a lower tolerance for pain, so a cancerous lesion might be missed if it’s not causing obvious symptoms. A screening test can find it early before it has the chance to grow and spread. It’s also harder to diagnose cancers in older adults, so screenings are even more critical.

Managing Chronic Illness

When struggling with a chronic illness, geriatric health care can help you manage it better. For example, if you have diabetes, your doctor may change your medication or adjust your diet to help keep your blood sugar under control. If you have heart disease, your doctor may prescribe medications to help keep your blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

Geriatric health care can also help you stay independent if you have a chronic illness. For example, if you have arthritis, your doctor may prescribe exercises or physical therapy to help you stay mobile. If you have diabetes, your doctor may recommend getting a glucose monitor to help you track your blood sugar levels.

Living with a Disability

When living with a disability, senior health care can help you adapt. For example, if you have trouble walking, your doctor may prescribe a walker or wheelchair. If you have trouble seeing, your doctor may prescribe glasses or contact lenses.

Geriatric health care can also help you stay safe if you have a disability. For example, if you have dementia, your doctor may recommend that you keep a list of emergency numbers on your phone if you forget them. If you have arthritis, your doctor may recommend that you keep a cane in the house just in case.

Healthy Aging Mind and Body

Geriatric health care can also help you stay healthy both inside and outside. For example, senior health care can teach you to stay strong and healthy. It can also help prevent falls with an injury resulting from not properly taking care of yourself.

Geriatric health care can also help you stay mentally sharp as you age. For example, your doctor may recommend enrolling in a memory training program or social skills group. Your doctor may even prescribe medication to nourish your mental health.

Geriatric health care is an essential area of medicine that helps people stay healthy throughout the aging process. Whether you’re struggling with a chronic illness or dealing with a disability, senior healthcare can help you adapt and live life to its fullest potential.


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