Signs that the Constant Dejection Feeling is more than Common Tiredness

Scheduling time for adequate rest in the 21st Century is very elusive, with most individuals working round the clock chasing something. Fatigue is normal, especially with overtime or a late-night, then feeling exhausted the day after. However, fatigue ceases to be normal if it affects your life. For instance, your healthcare provider might ask you to seek professional help if the constant feeling of exhaustion causes you to doze off when you should be alert. Fortunately, fatigue resolves eventually independently or with lifestyle changes. Are you suffering from fatigue in Lawrenceville and need someone to talk to? If so, the caring team at Performance Pain and Sports Medicine can help.

When is fatigue a possible health concern?

Everyone feels tired. Additionally, exhaustion is a common occurrence every once in a while. When exhaustion sets in, a nap or several nights of good sleep may help refresh the mind. However, constant tiredness resulting in physical or psychological weakness is not healthy. Though fatigue is not a health concern, it might indicate an underlying health issue. The following signs accompanying fatigue should tell you that the tiredness is beyond normal exhaustion:

    • Unintentionally finding yourself asleep, especially during inappropriate hours
    • Reduced mental and physical energy
    • Inability to remain alert or facilitate an activity
    • Reduced emotional stability
    • Difficulty concentrating
    • Easily getting tired
    • Fatigue that fails to resolve with several hours of rest

Exhaustion that negatively affects your work, family participation, and other aspects of your social life is also a warning sign. Fatigue symptoms that might force you to seek immediate medical assistance include:

    • Unexplained painful symptoms in your entire body
    • Fever and chills
    • Unexplained weight loss
    • Unexpected vaginal bleeding
    • Loss of consciousness

What are the common causes of fatigue?

Lifestyle-related causes

    • Inadequate sleep. The number of sleeping hours an individual needs depends on his age. An adult needs approximately nine hours of sleep. However, some individuals manage with fewer sleeping hours.
    • Sleep disturbances. Sleep disruptions happen for various reasons, including an uncomfortable sleeping area and noisy neighbors.
    • Sedentary behavior. Regular exercise boosts energy levels, enhances fitness, and helps you sleep.
    • Poor diet. Nutritionally poor foods fail to provide you with the nutrients and energy it needs to function properly.

Workplace-related causes

Workplace issues likely to cause exhaustion include:

    • Burnout. Workaholics striving so hard to excel in their careers are likely to get exhausted.
    • Poor working practices. Issues like irregular working hours and a stressful environment can significantly contribute to an individual’s fatigue levels.
    • Unemployment. Feeling guilt, financial tension, and emotional exhaustion are likely to result in depression, fatigue and anxiety.

Psychological factors

    • Grief. A loved one’s death will likely result in different emotions, including loneliness and despair
    • Depression. Feeling of prolonged dejection and sadness may result in chronic fatigue
    • Anxiety and stress. A chronically stressed individual has increased adrenaline levels that exhaust an individual’s body, causing fatigue to set in.

Fatigue is not a feeling or a condition you can describe. Consult your doctor if fatigue negatively affects your overall well-being, causing you distress. 

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