What You Need to Know About ADHD

Several neurodevelopmental disorders can affect your ability to pay attention, keep track of what is happening, and control behavior. Some of the symptoms of these disorders can be severe enough to interfere with a person’s schoolwork, social relationships, and daily activities. One such disorder is ADHD. It is most common in children but can persist into adulthood. If you have such a disorder, you need help from an ADHD specialist New York NY.

The symptoms of ADHD are different for everyone. For instance, one person may experience impulsivity. Another may see hyperactivity or inattentiveness. Some people with ADHD may have trouble focusing their attention or following instructions from others. Others have problems organizing themselves or completing tasks at home, work, or school. Some people with ADHD experience extreme reactions, such as arguing or getting angry with others. Besides, others have difficulty perceiving frustration or anger in those around them.

Below are the symptoms and causes of ADHD.

What are the symptoms of ADHD?

  • Moving around a lot
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Daydreaming
  • Poor listening skills
  • Repeating words and phrases
  • Impulsivity (acting without thinking)

What are the causes of ADHD?

Family history of ADHD

If both parents have ADHD, there is an increased chance that their children will also be affected by the disorder at some point in their lives. A family history of ADHD does not mean that your child has the condition. However,  it does increase your chances of having a child who struggles with any number of learning disorders or behavioral issues like ADHD.

Brain injury

A brain injury can cause symptoms similar to ADHD, especially if it occurs very early in life. This type of injury can result in traumatic brain injury (TBI). TBI is when your brain gets injured or injured during an accident or trauma to your head. It can also occur due to a prolonged illness, stroke, or infection. If you have suffered a TBI, you might experience ADHD symptoms such as hyperactivity and impulsivity that interfere with daily life and learning.

Premature birth

Most children that are born prematurely are prone to ADHD. The brain is not fully developed at birth, and the child’s nervous system is not fully developed. This can cause behavioral problems, learning disabilities, and other health problems in a child’s later life.

Use of alcohol and tobacco during pregnancy

The use of alcohol and tobacco during pregnancy is associated with a higher risk for ADHD in children. It has been suggested that these substances may affect the developing brain cells, leading to behavior and learning ability changes.

Environmental factors

The environment can also play a role in ADHD development, especially if you are exposed to toxins during pregnancy or while young or have other environmental problems such as lead poisoning or other environmental allergies.

ADHD may also cause people to act without thinking about the consequences of their actions. People with ADHD have trouble sitting still, staying focused, and paying attention in class. If you have ADHD, your doctor will check your blood pressure, heart rate, and breathing during testing. They may also perform tests such as an electroencephalogram (EEG), which records brain activity using electrodes placed on the scalp. Treatment depends on the severity of your symptoms and whether you have coexisting conditions such as depression or anxiety disorder. For ADHD treatment, contact Beyond ADHD experts.

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