Tell-Tale Indicators That You Need an In-Vitro Fertilization Procedure

In Mountain View, California, infertility issues are common. If you’re trying to conceive and haven’t been successful after a year of unprotected sex, you may want to consider the in-vitro fertilization (IVF) procedure. IVF is when eggs are removed from the woman’s ovaries, and sperm is collected from the man. Mountain View aggressive IVF protocols specialists then combine the eggs and sperm in a laboratory dish, and the resulting embryos are transferred to the woman’s uterus. Which are the indicators that you may need an IVF procedure to conceive?

Prolonged Infertility

You’ve been trying to conceive for over a year, but you still haven’t gotten pregnant. The American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) notes that one in eight couples will experience infertility at some point. If you’re experiencing prolonged infertility after more than 12 months of unprotected sex, an in-vitro fertilization procedure may be the next step towards having the family you want.

No Ovulation Indicators

You’ve tried ovulation predictor kits and other techniques to determine when your body is primed for pregnancy, but none have yielded results. It could be because your body isn’t producing adequate amounts of luteinizing hormone (LH). LH triggers ovulation, and without it, your chances of conceiving are minimal or nonexistent.

Abnormal Semen Analysis

A male fertility evaluation is crucial for couples trying to conceive unsuccessfully for at least a year. A semen analysis will measure sperm count and how well the sperm moves towards the egg. Men who have low sperm counts, poor motility, abnormalities on their semen analysis test should consider an in-vitro fertilization procedure as soon as possible.

Advanced Maternal Age

You’ve gone through menopause or are approaching it, but you still want to have a baby. The ASRM notes that the chance of pregnancy declines with age. Women aged 35 to 39 years have an about 18 percent chance of becoming pregnant each month, compared to women aged between 20 and 34 years who have a nearly 30 percent monthly chance of pregnancy. Though opportunities for conception decrease as you age, an IVF procedure may help you achieve the family you desire at any age.

Pelvic Adhesions

Endometriosis is a condition where the tissue that usually lines the inside of your uterus grows outside it. The result can be severe pelvic pain and infertility. Surgery to remove adhesions has been reported as being just as effective as IVF in treating endometriosis, but it comes with a longer recovery time. 

Regardless of which procedure you choose, it can take up to a year for pelvic adhesions to be entirely removed. However, if IVF is unsuccessful after surgery, your chances of conceiving tend to diminish.

Cervical Factor

You’ve been trying to conceive for a while and have experienced multiple miscarriages. You may have what’s known as a cervical factor. It means your cervical mucus isn’t conducive to sperm traveling and fertilizing an egg. In these cases, an IVF procedure may be the only effective way of conceiving a baby.

The IVF process has been around for more than 40 years, and it’s still the most effective way of achieving pregnancy. If you’re having prolonged signs of infertility, an in-vitro fertilization procedure may be your best chance of getting pregnant. Seek help from a fertility clinic as the team will plan for the process well.

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