Every woman goes through menopause. Menopause is considered the time when a woman’s periods end. Menopause can start as early as the age of forty, but menopause usually occurs at fifty for many women. It’s natural for all women to go through menopause. Menopause affects women both physically and emotionally. Treatment may be considered an option during menopause to prevent adverse changes in your lifestyle. Visit Dr. Inga Zilberstein, MD, a New York obstetrics & gynecology specialist that provides menopause treatment. The specialist will provide proper care as you go through menopause. So what do you need to know about menopause?
Symptoms of Menopause
- Hot flashes
- Irregular periods- The periods do not disappear completely at once. The periods fail to come later than expected or may come at particular months.
- Sleep problems
- Change in mood
- Vaginal dryness
- Sweating at night
Causes of Menopause
- Chemotherapy and radiation procedures – Chemotherapy and radiation are procedures done on cancer patients. Chemotherapies and radiation may cause a woman’s menstruation cycle to cease. The radiation passed through your body may affect the ovaries, causing a temporary stop.
- Removal of the ovaries – Oophorectomy is a surgery in which the surgeons remove the ovaries. Removal of the varies from a woman will cause the woman to enter menopause immediately. The ovaries are responsible for producing estrogen, which controls the periods.
- Aging – Aging is a natural cause of menopause. The reproductive hormones are responsible for regulating menstruation. The reproductive hormones are estrogen and progesterone. Women over the age of fifty cannot release ovaries; hence, they experience menopause.
- Ovarian insufficiency – The ovaries may fail to release the expected amount of hormones. When the ovaries fail to produce sufficient hormones, it may cause the woman to begin menopause. The woman will also experience fewer menstrual cycles.
Treatments of Menopause
- Hormone therapy is the most common treatment, especially for women who experience hot flashes. The specialists at the medical facility will prescribe you a given dosage of estrogen. The estrogen dosage will be based on your medical history and family history. However, hormone therapy is not given for the long term to avoid medical complications.
- Antidepressants – The doctors may prescribe to you a given dosage of serotonin. Serotonin helps reduce menopausal hot flashes. The antidepressant will also serve as a good mood stabilizer.
- Clonidine is used to control high blood pressure and hot flashes.
Complications Associated with Menopause
- Osteoporosis – The condition is associated with your bones becoming weak, which may make them break or get fractured easily. Menopause causes your bones to become brittle and may cause osteoporosis.
- Weight Gain -Menopause causes the metabolism of a woman to slow down. A slower metabolism may make the woman easily gain weight.
- Reduced sexual function – Menopause reduces the woman’s libido causing reduced sexual function.
Manage Menopause Today
Menopause is biological, and you must get medical help if the effects of menopause are negatively affecting your normal life. Book an appointment with the obstetrics gynecology specialist to get menopause treatment today.
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