Restore Your Youthfulness With Facelift

As you age, aging signs begin kicking in, robbing you of your youthfulness. Crow’s feet, wrinkles, and drooping eyelids may make you look tired and unapproachable affecting your social life. A dull social life results in a loss of self-esteem and the energy to live. If your wrinkles affect the quality of your life, a Houston face lift at The Elite Wellness Resort may turn things around.

What should you know about a facelift?

A facelift is an outpatient cosmetic procedure that restores your younger look by going against your aging process. This procedure reduces the visibility of loose skin and wrinkles on your chest, face, or neck. Additionally, it raises drooping eyebrows restoring the energetic look on your face.

Wrinkles and drooping eyelids may make you seem tired, irritable, or older than you are. If early signs of aging lower your self-esteem and spirit, you can consult with your doctor at The Elite Wellness Resort to determine if a facelift is right. Dr. Taube has years of experience in cosmetic surgery and guarantees excellent, natural results at the end of your treatment.

How can you prepare for a facelift?

During your first appointment, Dr. Taube may conduct a thorough physical exam, review your health history and discuss your beauty goals before determining if you are eligible for a facelift. Your provider may request to avoid smoking, skip specific medications and apply specific skin products in preparation for your treatment. Your doctor may recommend arranging for someone to drop and pick you up because you may not be in good condition to drive yourself.

What happens during a facelift?

Before your procedure, Dr. Taube may administer an anesthetic to ensure you are comfortable and don’t feel pain. Afterward, he may make an incision along your hairline to remove excess fat and skin to rejuvenate your face and achieve a slim and attractive effect. He may also redistribute and tighten the connective tissue and underlying muscles to address skin sagging.

Your provider may suggest a facelift with a neck lift to maximize your results. A neck lift tightens the skin around your neck, making it look slender and endearing. Your physician uses dissolvable sutures, which your body absorbs after you are completely healed. Dr. Taube makes the incision along your hairline to ensure no visible scars.

What happens after a facelift?

A facelift with Ultherapy requires no downtime, and you can return to school, work, or sports activities immediately after the procedure. However, it may take several months to enjoy the complete dramatic results. A facelift is a cumulative cosmetic approach, meaning that your results improve over time. You may experience mild swelling and bruise after a facelift. These side effects may disappear after two to three weeks but inform your doctor immediately if they worsen. It is impossible to defy the aging process fully, but a facelift makes you appear five to ten years younger than your age.

Do not allow wrinkles and sagging skin to interfere with your youthful energy. Call  The Elite Wellness Resort office or schedule an appointment online to achieve your beauty goals.

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