Kybella; What to Know

Excess fat under your chin may occur due to various reasons, including weight gain or aging. It may not be a good thing, especially when looking for a natural appearance. Luckily, with cosmetic treatments, you can get rid of the double chin and restore your natural appearance. The Midtown East Kybella specialists at MDCS Dermatology offer Kybella to eliminate the unwanted fat on your chin and improve your look. This article will help you understand Kybella better.

What is Kybella?

It is an FDA-approved treatment that removes targeted fat cells under your chin without harming the surrounding cells. Kybella is the only treatment in the market to eliminate a double chin effectively without surgery.

The treatment was FDA proven in 2015, and it has been a breakthrough. Before Kybella, the only available treatments were liposuction and surgery.

How does Kybella work?

Kybella consists of deoxycholic acid, which naturally occurs in your body. Your provider administers more than 50 small injections into your under the chin, which damages the fat cells right away. The body extracts the damaged fat cells out of the body over some time, resulting in a natural-appearing chin.

The number of treatments and injections for each patient varies, depending on the treatment area and desired goals. The treatments are done a month apart. Results are visible after one or two treatments, but complete results appear after four to six sessions.

What does the treatment process involve?

The injection takes about 15 to 20 minutes. You may feel slight pain during the treatment. After the injection, you may encounter some bruising, swelling, or numbness around the treated area; the effects are, however, temporary.

The treatment has minimal downtime. You may use pain medications to manage any discomfort after the procedure.

How long do the results last?

Kybella results are permanent. Usually, treated fat cells don’t reproduce. Hence, after the Kybella treatment, you do not need additional treatments.

If you add weight after the treatment, no fat cells will gather under the chin. Kybella offers satisfying results. The treatment has not been in the market for long but has high popularity due to its effectiveness.

Are you a good candidate for Kybella?

During your consultation, your provider performs a thorough evaluation, to determine whether you qualify for the procedure. You can benefit from the treatment if you have a double chin resistant to diet and exercise.

Please note, that people with excessive skin laxity may not get the best results with Kybella.

Preparing for Kybella treatment

It is essential to avoid green tea, aspirin, vitamin E supplements, fish oil, and NSaids two weeks before your Kybella injection. Your treatment area needs to be healthy, without any infections, such as acne breakout, lymph node swelling, or rosacea. Ensure to alert your provider of any current medications.

If you have a double chin, Kybella can make it go away. The treatment is highly effective, with minimal downtime and lasting results. Contact MDCS Dermatology: Medical Dermatology and Cosmetic Surgery today to schedule your consultation or book your appointment online.

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