We all get a little queasy in the stomach now and again. Most individuals are acquainted with typical digestive problems such as nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, and constipation, whether from the stomach virus, spicy food, or something you ate that didn’t agree with you. While many people think of an Austin gastroenterologist as a stomach doctor, bear in mind that they treat diseases in many other parts of the body. Treatment by a gastroenterologist may include symptoms that extend from the esophagus to the rectum.
So, what can a digestive doctor do for you, and how can they assist you? The following are indications that you should make an appointment with your gastroenterologist:
Persistent constipation
Constipation may be diagnosed by having fewer than three bowel motions in a week. Having constipation might be a sign that you have a significant digestive problem. Constipation is more common among the elderly, the dehydrated, and those with low-fiber diets.
Diarrhea (watery bowel motions) usually goes away on its own, much as constipation does. You should seek medical attention if you experience diarrhea that occurs more than once a week or lasts more than a month. IBS, IBD, celiac disease, and parasite infections are just a few possible causes of persistent diarrhea. Consult a gastro if you have had diarrhea for more than a month, especially if accompanied by fever or dehydration.
Difficulty swallowing
Consult a gastroenterologist if you are having trouble swallowing or if a lump in your throat becomes worse. You should see a gastroenterologist if you have frequent swelling or discomfort in your throat. If you even have difficulties swallowing water, it might suggest a dangerous problem.
Swallowed food may suggest acid reflux damage to the esophagus, weakness in the muscles that control the swallow, a tumor, or any other condition that narrows the esophagus. Food and drinks can’t reach the stomach because of these obstructions. An upper endoscopy performed by your gastroenterologist may help identify the problem.
Frequent or severe heartburn
Having heartburn from time to time is not a big deal, and the good news is that you can usually treat it yourself at home if it occurs. Heartburn is common, but if you are experiencing it more than a few times a week, it might indicate gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).
Because chronic acid reflux does not resolve on its own, seeing a professional is a need. GERD may cause lasting damage to the esophagus if it is not addressed. Damage to the esophagus lining may cause difficulty swallowing, produce painful ulcers, and possibly raise the risk of esophageal cancer.
Rectal bleeding
The severity of the causes of blood in the stool varies, but it usually indicates that there is bleeding in the digestive system. An anal fissure (a minor cut or tear in the tissue lining the anus), hemorrhoids, or anything more serious, such as cancer, might be the source of this.
There are many different types of digestive disorders. Patients with mild symptoms may get by with home remedies or guidance from their family doctor. However, if your illness worsens or lingers, you should see a gastroenterologist trained to handle situations like yours. Speak with a top expert if you need assistance with anything.
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