How Can You Treat Back Pain At Home?

In today’s world, nearly everyone will experience back pain at some point. Back pain can be caused by several factors, each requiring its own set of treatment options. In the case of a severe injury or severe degeneration in the spine, surgery is often necessary to correct the problem and keep it from worsening. However, you can consider many treatment options for more mild back pain before deciding on the best course of action. Because this type of back pain is joint, it is worth noting some of the most popular treatment options. If you experience any form of chronic back pain, you may have to see a New Jersey Back Pain specialist for effective treatment. This article looks at some of the most effective home remedies for mild back pain. 


Simple stretches and exercises can help strengthen your core, which will make it easier to support your lower back muscles during movement. By strengthening one’s core through exercise, the spine becomes more stable – meaning that less force is exerted on the surrounding tissue. This lowers the chance of injury occurring in the first place by supporting the connective tissue surrounding the spine. If you already have back pain, exercise is often not recommended, as it can cause further damage if done incorrectly. However, gentle stretching and exercise can be very beneficial to those who suffer from chronic lower back pain in many cases.

Heat and Cold Therapy

Often, back pain is caused by inflammation in the surrounding tissues. This type of back pain can be eased using heat or cold therapy, depending on which option your doctor recommends. Heat therapy involves applying moist heat to the area around the lower back for 15-20 minutes two times a day, while cold treatment consists in applying ice wrapped in a towel to the same spot every 4-6 hours. Try alternating between heat and cold therapy to see what works best for relieving your symptoms.

Using a heating pad is an excellent way to apply moist heat to the lower back to relieve inflammation and pain caused by mild back injuries or muscle strains.


Although it’s not always easy to do with back pain, stretching is vital for keeping strong and flexible surrounding muscles. By stretching regularly, you can keep your lower back in better shape and decrease your chances of developing chronic pain.

Over-the-Counter Pain Medication

While doctors often prescribe pain medications to treat chronic or severe back pain, milder sources of pain in the lower back will often be eased using over-the-counter pain medication. For instance, mild sprains and strains can be treated with NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) like Aspirin or Ibuprofen, while treating mild muscle aches with acetaminophen (Tylenol). Over-the-counter pain medication can often provide temporary relief from mild back pain; however, it is worth noting that these medications rarely treat the underlying cause of chronic back pain.

In summary, back pain is a common problem in the United States. If you have mild back pain, you can treat it at home with a bit of exercise and stretching. Over-the-counter pain medication and heat and cold therapy can also help relieve mild back pain. If you have chronic back pain, you may need to see a specialist.

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