Eye Conditions that Can be Corrected With Specialty Contact Lenses

Contact lenses are thin, clear plastic discs you wear in your eyes to correct vision problems. They float on the tear film that covers the eye cornea. Contact lenses treat vision issues caused by refractive errors. Specialty contact lenses are custom designed to fit perfectly and comfortably in your cornea. Doctors customize them to suit each individual’s unique cornea shape. Specialty lens Beverly Hills, CA, is beneficial when you have severe eye problems. For example, the scleral lens. Scleral lenses are used in cases where irregularities in cornea shape make it virtually impossible to fit standard contact lenses. Specialty lenses can correct various eye conditions, including:


Astigmatism is a vision problem that causes blurred vision. Most people have astigmatism, but in small amounts, it does not affect vision and may not need treatment. Severe astigmatism can lead to distorted vision, eye pain, and headaches. Astigmatism develops when your eye cornea or lens is more oval or cylindrical than round, which prevents light from focusing properly on the retina, leading to blurred vision. Your doctor may recommend you use gas-permeable contact lenses to correct your astigmatism. You only wear the lenses at night, when they gently and temporarily reshape your cornea, resulting in clearer vision the following day.


Keratoconus is a progressive condition that affects your eye cornea, resulting in poor vision that cannot be corrected fully with glasses. It often begins in the late teenage years. Doctors do not know the exact cause of keratoconus, but the providers link it to genetics and chronic eye rubbing. Mild keratoconus can be treated with glasses. Moderate keratoconus is best corrected with rigid gas-permeable specialty lenses. The lenses provide a smooth tear layer before your cornea, making vision clearer. Severe keratoconus cases may require surgery.


Myopia, also called nearsightedness, is a visual problem where you see near objects clearly, but distant objects are blurry and do not come into appropriate focus. It occurs when your eyeball is too long or your cornea is too curved, making light improperly focuses onto your retina. Glasses and contact lenses are common treatments for myopia. Doctors can recommend peripheral defocus soft and orthokeratology hard contact lenses in children to slow down the progress of myopia.

Dry eye syndrome

Dry eye syndrome is where you have chronically dry eyes. It happens due to a lack of proper moisture and lubrication of the surface of your eyes. Symptoms of dry eye syndrome include burning, irritation, constant watery eyes, light sensitivity, blurred vision, heavy eyes, and white stringy discharge. Mild, moderate, or seasonal dry eyes can be treated with prescription or over-the-counter eye drops. Severe cases of dry eyes may require specialty contact lenses, prescription ointments, eyelid massages, or eye therapies like punctual inserts.

Specialty lenses are customized to fit your cornea’s unique shape. Doctors use these lenses when you have cornea disorders that standard lenses cannot correct. Specialty lenses can correct many vision problems, including astigmatism, keratoconus, myopia, and dry eye syndrome. Schedule an appointment at Beverly Hills Optometry: Advanced Dry Eye Center for specialty lenses to improve your vision.

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