Your feet carry the weight of your body through its complex network of ligaments, tendons, muscles, and nerves. That means many areas could develop injuries or infections. Mid-South Foot & Ankle Specialists team of experienced doctors provides total care for different foot problems including Atoka plantar wart. The following is an outline of the most common conditions of the foot.
Plantar warts
A plantar wart is a type of lesion at the bottom part of the foot. Research suggests the condition occurs after an HPV (Human Papillomavirus) infection through abrasions in your skin. The virus speeds up keratin production, which accumulates and forms the lesions.
After the infection, it could take weeks or months before the wart appears. A crusty layer of skin may develop as you exert pressure on the foot. The site may become painful if untreated, making walking challenging.
You may be at high risk if you have health conditions that affect your immune system’s response. It is also common in people who frequently use public swimming pools and locker rooms. Warm and humid surroundings are perfect incubators for the HPV virus.
Treatment is only necessary if the condition manifests symptoms. Plantar wart interventions involve eliminating the HPV virus from the body. Salicylic acid and cryotherapy are the most common proven therapies for addressing plantar warts.
Hammertoes describe a condition characterized by abnormal curling of the toes. It can affect the smaller toes, from the second to the fifth toe. The toe bends upwards, making walking with shoes uncomfortable.
The joint can stiffen as the condition progresses. At an advanced stage, the toe will require surgery to restore flexibility.
Early detection and treatment are critical to avoid a surgical procedure. Your provider will review your medical history, type of shoes, and daily routine. A thorough diagnosis will facilitate the creation of interventions to restore muscle functions.
The interventions may involve using custom-made orthotics. Orthotics are slip-on devices that improve foot mechanics and alleviate pain. Your provider may suggest using footwear modifications and pads to prevent worsening symptoms.
Ankle sprains
An ankle sprain typically affects the tendons of the ankle. Ankle sprains are amongst the most prevalent injuries among athletes. They account for approximately a quarter of all sports injuries.
The strain exerted on the ligament will determine the severity of the ankle sprain. Rest and an ice pack therapy are sufficient to address mild cases. An ankle sprain can improve within a few weeks. But inflammation may cause swelling and pain. Ankle sprains could make placing weight on your foot challenging.
Your provider will use a grading system to determine the degree of the injury. Treatment is essential even for mild symptoms since ankle sprains can recur. Physiotherapy strengthens the muscles and tendons of the foot to avoid recurring ankle sprains.
Recurring injuries can increasingly weaken muscles and tendons, leading to ankle instability. At an advanced stage, ankle imbalances may require a surgical procedure. Fortunately, you can treat avoid complications by taking prompt action.
To learn more, call the Mid-South Foot & Ankle Specialists team or use our online scheduler today.
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