All You Need to Know About a Threadlift

Until recently, a facelift was the only way to address problems such as jowls and drooping checks caused by skin laxity. Most people were hesitant about tightening their skin through surgery because of the many risks, including bleeding and reaction to anesthesia. If you are not willing to undergo surgery, you will be happy to know that the thread lift Rockville Center, a less invasive procedure, can help rejuvenate your skin. Below is an inside look into the thread lift procedure.

What is a thread lift?

A thread lift is a non-surgical procedure wherein a cosmetic surgeon uses temporary sutures to produce a subtle but visible lift in the skin. Unlike a facelift that removes facial skin, a thread lift procedure suspends loose skin by stitching up portions. It has the effects of slightly pulling the skin backward, tightening, and lifting the face. Besides raising the skin, threads combat aging by triggering the body’s healing response and causing the body to produce more collagen in the treated areas. The above is essential due to the role of collagen in your body.

How safe is a thread lift?

When performed by a skilled cosmetic surgeon, a thread lift is a safe procedure. Usually, the process is low-risk since it is minimally invasive. You don’t have to worry about the risk of scarring, bleeding, severe bruising, or other complications after the procedure. However, there is a slight risk of irritation and infection after having a thread lift. Rarely the sutures beneath the skin can become visible.

Thread lifts can be performed under local anesthesia, meaning there are no risks associated with general anesthesia. Because of this, most people with conditions that make them ineligible for surgery, like high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, and type 2 diabetes, can safely have this treatment.

Who is eligible for the treatment?

The ideal candidate for a thread lift is one with mild to moderate skin laxity, preferably individuals in their late thirties to early sixties. Most patients about 55 years and above tend to have severe skin laity and may benefit profoundly from facelift surgery. Thread lifts are also an alternative for older patients who cannot undergo surgery for medical reasons. Although thread lifts are generally low-risk, discuss them with your doctor, especially if you have pre-existing health conditions to ensure the procedure is safe.

What should I expect after a thread lift?

Some patients have slight redness, soreness, and swelling after treatment and wish to take the rest of the day off, but most can resume work immediately. Additionally, you don’t need strong pain medication after a thread lift, making it easier to resume normal activities. Although the recovery is usually not intensive, you still have to take precautions as you heal.

For example, you may need to avoid rubbing your face vigorously while cleaning or applying moisturizer for at least a week. Your provider may ask you to prop your head slightly while sleeping to prevent rolling over directly onto your face.

If you have mild to moderate skin laxity and wish to address that, consult your South Shore Vein and Aesthetic Medicine specialist for a thread lift to improve your appearance. 

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