Advantages of Dental Implants

Dental implants are artificial tooth roots implanted into your jawbone to support a dental restoration such as a crown, bridge, or denture. When you get dental implants in Irvine, you enjoy various advantages. They provide stable support for prosthetic devices, and they maintain the health of adjacent teeth by acting as a foundation for restoring the bone that has receded due to the loss of teeth.

Dental implants can seem like a miracle to those without teeth and have been heralded as the “next best thing” to natural teeth. However, there are several vital considerations patients should take into account when considering dental implants for tooth replacement.

What Should You Know Before Getting Dental Implants?

Dental implants are not for everyone. Suppose you have uncontrolled diabetes, connective tissue diseases like scleroderma or lupus, active systemic infections (e.g., HIV), or immune deficiency. In that case, you should avoid dental implants because these conditions may increase the risk of implant failure and complications.

Dental implants require an adequate amount of bone volume in the jaw to successfully implant an artificial tooth root. The lack of sufficient bone volume in the jaw (atrophy) may result from genetic disorders (e.g., osteopetrosis), periodontal disease, or tooth loss due to injury or decay. If you have insufficient jawbone tissue, you may need a bone graft before getting dental implants. The bone graft increases the volume of bone available in the jaw to accommodate the implant.

Benefits of Dental Implants

Dental implants provide several significant benefits over other tooth replacement solutions.

  • Better Appearance

Dental implants provide a more natural-looking and aesthetic tooth replacement compared to dentures. Denture wearers often complain that their teeth do not look like their own, and many need to repair or replace their dentures every few years because of chipping or breakage.

When you get dental implants, you can avoid the ongoing costs and inconvenience of replacing their denture. Dental implants can slow down this process of facial collapse by supporting the cheekbone structures around your mouth, so you look younger longer.

  • Durability

Dental implants are the most durable tooth replacement option available. They do not rely on neighboring teeth for support and therefore maintain their position even if other teeth are lost or become loose over time.

In contrast, dentures can become loose over time and require regular repairs. Bridges rely on neighboring teeth to remain stable, which means they can break or fail if supporting teeth are lost.

  • Fewer Complications

Dental implants require less long-term care compared to other tooth replacement options. Dentures and crowns typically need repair every couple of years, and replacing implants requires an outpatient procedure.

Dental implants do not require special brushing techniques like bridges or dentures, which can be complicated to clean, making them a popular tooth replacement option among people who tend to neglect their oral hygiene.

  • Comfort

Dental implants do not require frequent adjustment or maintenance like dentures and bridges, which can become loose over time. Dental implants are a long-term tooth replacement alternative, providing a high level of comfort once fully healed.

To summarize, dental implants are artificial tooth roots implanted into your jawbone to support a dental restoration. You are a suitable candidate for dental implants unless you have atrophy or uncontrolled diabetes, increasing the risk of implant failure. The benefits of dental implants include comfort, reduced complications, durability, and improved appearance.

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