What To Expect At Your First Oncology Visit?

It is not easy to learn that you have cancer in your body. The condition itself can cause pain and make it difficult to carry out daily chores, not forgetting the emotional toll it can have. Luckily for you, oncology Sebring care can help address and even terminate many kinds of this disease. Employing their knowledge in cancer research, diagnosis, and therapy, your oncologist will assist you in overcoming the disease’s symptoms and leading a normal life. Nonetheless, recognizing what to expect could help alleviate the anxiety and nervousness associated with an initial visit to the oncology as well as ensure you are well-prepared. Continue reading to find out more.

What Does The Consultation Process Involve?

Each visit is different and tailored to the patient’s unique needs. Nevertheless, it usually includes a meeting with the oncologist and other oncology team members, documentation of past health history, a physical examination, and a discussion about your care plan. Outlined below is an overview of the step-by-step process of an Oncology consultation:

  •   Getting To Know The Oncology Team

More often than not, the first thing that happens during an oncology visit is meeting with the oncologist and the rest of the team. Based on the stage of your process, whether diagnosis, care, etc., your oncologist may gather your health information and go over your prevailing symptoms. This initial consultation is also an excellent time for patients to ask their oncologist any questions they might have regarding their worries or what to expect with the treatment process.

  •   A Comprehensive Physical Exam

Testing is the next stage. Your oncologist may begin by performing a physical examination to look for tumors and other cancer-related symptoms. Your specialist may also suggest various imaging studies, blood tests, and, if necessary, a biopsy appointment.

Suppose you arrange a visit because of symptoms and are yet to receive a cancer diagnosis. In that case, the purpose of the visit is to provide an accurate diagnosis, particularly to discover what stage of cancer they are in. This information enables you and your oncologist to devise the most effective care plan.

  •   Developing A Care Plan

Depending on the pathology reports, an oncologist will select the appropriate plan of action on your very first visit or shortly thereafter. Patients are rarely treated by oncologists alone, and they may be referred to other types of oncologists and health professionals if the patient requires further help during the treatment process.

  • Posing Questions And Establishing Trust

The initial oncology consultation is also intended to provide patients with information. Your doctor will be open to any questions you have concerning cancer, symptoms, diagnosis, and care plan. Asking questions makes the patient feel more at ease, as well as allows the oncologist and patients to form a trusting connection with the doctor. This relationship might assist the patient in maintaining their confidence in their specialist throughout the therapy process.

It could be overwhelming to discover that you have cancer. It might even be more difficult to be calm and confident about what may unfold in the coming weeks or months. However, your oncologist will be a valuable resource as they will ensure you understand all to expect. Whether you are struggling with colon, stomach, thyroid, breast, or skin cancer, the specialists at Florida Lakes Vein Center can help. If you suspect you have or are at high risk of cancer, call the Sebring, FL office or use the online booking tool to make an initial appointment today.

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