If you develop varicose veins, you might experience troubling physical and emotional issues. Your affected veins might make your legs swollen. Besides, these damaged veins change the look of your skin, making you feel self-conscious about your appearance. While several varicose vein treatments are available, including radiofrequency ablation, sclerotherapy, and laser therapy, not everybody is eligible for these procedures. Ambulatory phlebectomy is an alternative treatment for varicose veins that utilizes tiny, slit-like cuts on the skin to address huge spider and varicose veins close to the skin’s surface. Here are some general recommendations of eligible candidates for a phlebectomy Houston procedure.
- You Have Varicose Vein Complications
You should hugely consider phlebectomy if you experience complications from your varicose veins. Typical symptoms include leg cramping, chronic discomfort, and skin discoloration.
If you leave your varicose veins untreated for a length of time, you may also experience more severe complications like ulcers, particularly if the damaged veins are located near your feet and ankles. These leg ulcers are more prevalent in patients who have pre-existing diabetes. Another common complication that could develop is blood clotting. If the blood clotting breaks off, it may travel through the bloodstream and sometimes end up in the lungs, resulting in pulmonary embolism.
- Your Surgery Was Not Effective
Often, individuals consider ambulatory phlebectomy as a minimally-intrusive way to address primary varicose veins. As such, the procedure has a reduced risk of complications. Nonetheless, you should also undergo this procedure if you have any remaining varicose veins following surgery.
- You Are Not Bedbound
To be eligible for ambulatory phlebectomy, it is vital that you can adhere to all recovery recommendations. One major recovery guideline is to get up and walk around immediately after your procedure. This guideline is especially important if the treated veins are located in the legs. The leg muscles’ contraction helps remove fluid pooling from the area. While feeling fatigued during the first few days after your treatment is normal, you should walk for several minutes daily thereafter.
- You Can Break From Work
Even if you are concerned about varicose veins and can walk around following treatment, you might not be eligible for this procedure if you cannot break from work. A key element of your recovery is avoiding rigorous physical activity, such as heavy lifting.
If you have a physically demanding occupation, you may be unable to resume work 5-7 days after your procedure. On the other hand, if you have a sedentary occupation, you should be ready to break from work for 2-3 days after your varicose veins are eliminated.
- You Are Not Pregnant
Although this procedure is safe for relatively healthy adults, it is inappropriate for pregnant women. If you are expectant or suspect you are pregnant, there is the inherent risk of this procedure causing complications for you or your baby. Moreover, you may not be eligible for this therapy if you are attempting to conceive.
Are you tired of protruding and unsightly veins? Ambulatory phlebectomy might be just what you need! This minimally intrusive procedure can eliminate these damaged veins and enhance the look of your legs. Besides addressing the aesthetic concerns associated with varicose veins, this procedure avoids the complications associated with untreated varicose veins. Nonetheless, as with other treatments, ambulatory phlebectomy is a safe and efficient alternative for varicose veins near the skin’s surface, but it will not be suitable for everyone. Schedule a consultation with your vein specialist to determine if you can undergo this procedure.
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