Just how safe is your weed? Well, does this seem like an odd question? Well, the federal government deems marijuana so inherently unsafe. However, available evidence suggests otherwise. In many ways, marijuana is a much safer alternative to other legal substances.
However, this doesn’t mean that all cannabis products in the market are safe. Like other products, weed can reach the customer in a tainted or corrupted state. The contamination may emanate from pesticides, chemicals, or organic issues like mold and mildew. Low-quality cannabis exposes you to different ailments.
But how can you tell between the good and the bad cannabis? Well, by asking these key questions.
- Is This Lab Tested?
Don’t buy any cannabis product without seeing their lab test results. Most weed dispensaries test cannabis to identify the THC potency and confirm that the product is safe from pesticide residue.
Like other plants, cannabis is not immune to pest attacks. To keep pests and insects away, farmers use pesticides. However, you don’t want to eat any fruits, vegetables, or cannabis covered in chemicals.
The presence of pesticides or other chemicals can have nasty side effects. For this reason, cannabis farmers in legal states aren’t required to use pesticides on their farms.
- How Do I Ingest Cannabis?
In the past, smoking cannabis was the sole method of ingesting the product. That’s not the case anymore. Currently, there are five delivery methods that dispensaries nearby offer. These include: flower, edibles, concentrates, sublingual and topical.
The choice of the delivery method is dependent on the motive behind cannabis ingestion. For instance, are you seeking to relieve pain in your body muscles, the topical application gives the best results.
Check with the dispensaries nearby on the best cannabis ingestion method.
- How Much Will I Spend?
The amount you pay for cannabis is dependent on various factors. These include the quantity you’re buying, the brand, and the strength of the product. The costs will also vary between states due to market demand and taxation.
So, don’t be in a hurry to buy large quantities when starting. Instead, start small and find out what brands, strains, and cannabinoid percentages work for you. With this, you can work your way up.
- Are Mold and Mildew a Concern?
Do you know that mold and mildew can grow on cannabis? How concerned are you about the presence of these two in your cannabis?
The two should be a point of concern especially for medical patients with a reduced immune system. At times, contamination by mold or mildew might result in death. Therefore, do not buy or ingest cannabis products with traces of mold or mildew.
- What Should One Look for When Buying Cannabis Products?
Buying marijuana from dispensaries nearby will be a new experience for most Americans. As such, you may not know the qualities to look for in the product. Why not start by checking the strain, potency, and THC level?
Choosing the right cannabis flavor and concentration isn’t easy. It’s even worse in a pot shop where several cannabis products are on display. As such, you’ll need to develop some questions before setting foot in the weed dispensaries. In this way, you’ll have an idea of what you want and work towards achieving these needs.
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